
Proposed Demolition of Po Toi School

Proposed Demolition of Po Toi School

According to a notice posted on the Po Toi School Buildings yesterday, Lands Dept propose to demolish the School Buildings on Po Toi. Interested parties have 14 days to comment.

I have no problem with this since the buildings are in a dangerous condition and are not suitable for re-use. However, this may be an opportunity to do something else with the space. If anyone has any thoughts, please post here. I will discuss with HKBWS Management how to respond to the notice


I'm not sure it's the best location for a campsite - it has no easy access to water and there are lots of mosquitos.

I've seen people camping on the helipad behind the restaurant, this is a flat open area close to the toilet block and washing facilities and with less mosquitos, it may be better.

I was thinking perhaps it might be a good location for a bird ringing station? I'm not familiar with the requirements. Or, as Mr Tai says, replant with birds in mind. One thing to beware, it's a regular area for visitors and things left there could be vandalised or stolen. I've had items stolen by casual visitors, even when I have hidden them.

Maybe the best idea is just to let them remove the buildings (with care not to destry the surrounding trees and bushes), and then think what might be done.

If anyone really wants to stay under a roof on Po Toi, I can probably make arrangements - send me a PM.


There are places to stay on the island, already with connections to water and electricity and sometimes cooking facilities. If anyone really wants to stay, I can find somewhere at a cost of about $200 per night. I think this is a better solution than building something new for which you probably need some sort of planning permission.

As I said, I think the best thing to do is to let them complete the demolition (with care) and then review what to do. There are several possible locations for ringing, it would require an expert to look at them. But, as you say, someone needs to have the time to do it.

