
Is it female Mugimaki flycatcher?

This could be the female Blue-throated although the breast and throat colour is very orange. Mugimaki should have two pale wing-bars which I can't see any sign of on these photos. Also the wings seem rather short for a Mugimaki.

It's very early for a Mugimaki, these don't usually arrive until mid-October.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 11/09/2010 14:27 ]


I think it needs an expert to sort these out, and that's not me.

Without a back view of the first bird (the Mugimaki?), it's difficult to be sure but I don't think it's a Mugimaki. Here are two Mugimakis on OBI and the longer and more pointed wings and pale wing bars can be seen

and here are two Blue-throated with rather different breast colours

Blue-throated has now been split into two species, an eastern form called Chinese Blue and a western form still called Blue-throated. Only the eastern form should appear in HK in the wild. Whilst the males are quite easy to differentiate, I'm not sure that applies to the females although an orange throat (like the first bird by fatchun) should indicate the western form, the eastern form should have a pale throat. The two OBI photos above are both claimed as western. However there are subspecies also as well as first winter birds. Female Blue Flycatchers are clearly very difficult to separate, it needs an expert not me.

The second bird could be a Hainan Blue female but seems rather bright on the back and wings. I'm no expert so we need an expert to comment

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 12/09/2010 12:59 ]

