
Po Toi -- June 2012

A great weekend for Brendan.

I think the number of seabirds seen in late May and now early June this year is probably related to a long sequence of strong easterly winds, mostly between force 4 and 6, which started on 21 May and continues even today (although this may be the last day, according to the forecast). This is very unusual at this time of the year. It seems likely that strong easterlies push seabirds either migrating or even foraging in the northern part of the South China Sea closer to Hong Kong waters. In the same way, the lack of easterly/northerly winds in April this year which gave us such a poor landbird spring also gave us a relatively poor April for seabirds but we are certainly making up for that now.

Unfortunately I can't go to Po Toi this week due to other commitments. I usually regard June as a safe month to be doing something else.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 4/06/2012 15:39 ]


It might be good to be there tomorrow (Monday) when this Tropical Storm passes HK to the south.

But I guess we will never know.

