
(outdated過期)香港鳥類名錄 List of HK Birds - 2012-07-03

Reference Samuel Ma's comment above.

We (HFCheung and I) believe that erythroryncha is a typo error in the IOC list and that Urocissa erythrorhyncha is actually correct.

But if any scientific name experts disagree, we would be pleased to hear.


Yes, Paul and Samuel are correct .

IOC changed the name from "Urocissa erythrorhyncha" to "Urocissa erythroryncha" in their Version 2.7 of 29 December 2010 under the following reference

"Urocissa erythroryncha Nomenclature
•Often spelled "erythrorhyncha".
•The original is spelled "erythrorynchus"
•Normand David writes (in litt. 2010.01.19) "NOTE: under 32.5.1, the original erythrorynchus (= erythroryncha) cannot be corrected, since " incorrect transliteration or latinization .. are not to be considered inadvertent errors, and thus are not to be corrected".
2010.01.19; 2010.01.24"

So, although erythrorhyncha is actually the correct spelling from a Latin viewpoint and the spelling rhyncha appears many times in the IOC List for other species, the original name given by Boddaert was erythroryncha and it therefore stands.

We will change it in the next published HK List

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 8/08/2012 18:27 ]

