
[Hong Kong] 蒲台郊野公園記者會 Po Toi Country Park PC

Congratulations to Chuan for leading the Green Groups and all who helped with the presentations or who sent in objection messages by email.

I was at the Meeting and can confirm the Planning Review Board were impressed by the presentations and seriously questioned Planning Department about why they had included the R(D) (Development) zone around the Ferry Pier. Although they did not throw it out altogether (which would have been a serious embarrassment to Planning Department), they have apparently voted to reduce its size which is a significant achievement. Let's hope we can now restrict the development potential to just those houses in the current R(D) zone which are already occupied, which, in my opinion, would be a fair outcome recognising the rights of villagers and balancing that against the need for environmental protection.

I think we are also now in a position to pursue Country Park status for Po Toi, which was supported by all Green Groups and the local residents who attended the meeting in quite large numbers.


[ Last edited by wgeoff at 6/11/2015 07:12 ]


Thanks John

But it's not over yet. Now we have to start the whole process again, when they draw up the new R(D) zone.
But hopefully this will be a lot more sensible.


