
Is this a Bright-capped Cisticola?

So, is it concluded to be a zitting cisticola?

I don't think colour of the edges of wing feathers is a useful feature, as i have some zitting which have really brown edges rather than white.
However the light edges of wing feathers in zitting is apparently broader than that of bright-capped.

On the other hand, it seems that for zitting, the light bands on the upper back is bright and often stands out (brighter than the edges of wing feathers), while in Bright-capped these light bandings have similar colour with the feather edges.

For this bird, the white supercilium is still visible though it appears brownish probably due to warm lighting or variation. If you try tuning the colour temperature of the photo, you might see supercilium more easily.
The white patch as shown is the photo is too big for bright-capped i think.


personal obervations
might be good to discuss.

