add some birds for 19 Oct 2007:
Purple-backed Starling 北椋鳥 x 1 (right outside nature warden's house)
Black-winged Cuckoo-Shrike 暗灰鵑鵙 x 1 (right outside nature warden's house)
Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 2
Grey-headed Lapwing 灰頭麥雞 x 1 (#16/17)
Black-naped Oriole 黑枕黃鸝 x 1 (#24)
Yellow-browed bunting 黃眉(巫鳥)x 1 (#24)

This bunting is rather large in size (like a pipit), seems to be a yellow-browed rather than little bunting.