Dong Ping Chau 東坪州
Today on Dong Ping Chau the following birds were seen. This was not reallya briding trip and I'm such many more birds were there for the finding.
Common Sandpiper 1
Cmmon Buzzard 1
Emerald Dove 2
Oriental Turtle Dove 5
Chestnut Bulbul 10
Rufous-tailed Robin 1
Daurian Redstart - 3
Blue Rock Thrush - 2
Pale Thrush - 4
Scaly Thrush - 1
Grey Backed Thrush - 5
Thrush sp 30+
Yellow-browed Warbler - 5
Pallas Leaf Warbler - 1 h
possible Hume's Leaf Warbler - 1 (brief views only)
Manchurian Bush Warbler - 1
Mike K
Mike KilburnVice Chairman, HKBWSChairman, Conservation Committee