Black-headed Bunting @ Long Valley
A trip this afternoon from 2:30 - 4:30 produced over 40 species
The best of these was an immature/female Black headed Bunting in the area between the central path from Yin Kong and the drainage channel. It had an exciting afternoon - a cat tried to catch it and a Long tailed Shrike tried three times. As a rsut it was moving around a bit, but I had good views fro at least 15 minutes.
There was also a female Citrine Wagtail along with macronyx and taivana Yellow Wagtails, and my first ocularis White Wagtail of the autumn and several Red-throated Pipits in the watercress beds to the north of the path.
Mike K
Mike KilburnVice Chairman, HKBWSChairman, Conservation Committee