
[Others 其他] A dead Woodcock 已死的丘鷸

A dead Woodcock 已死的丘鷸

Sai Wan Ho 西灣河   

During my PE lesson , some girls screamed suddenly. They said that there was a bird dropped from the sky. I went and had a look , it was a woodcock which was dead already.
I guess this poor woodcock flushed from its cover (maybe scared by a cat which is usually found in our campus) , then it hit on the wall and fell on the playground. Further, one of my classmates saw the bird hit on the wall in 4th floor. And some said that it was attacked by a black kite.
The only thing I could do is to advise my teacher to phone the FEHD immediately.
正值體育課時 , 一些女同學突然尖叫。 她們說:「有隻雀仔從天而降,好恐佈。」。我走去看看 , 看見一隻已死的丘鷸。
我估這丘鷸因被嚇而驚飛( 可能是流浪貓, 牠經常在校園出現  ) , 不幸地撞上牆上, 再墮落操場。也有人看見牠被黑鳶襲擊。
我唯一可做的,就只有建議老師立即致電食環處 , 以及提出我的想法(為何牠會出現及死亡)

Under my teacher's permission , some photos are taken.
在老師的允許下, 我能返回課室取機 , 並拍下紀錄照。

lifes are priceless , 10 seconds before , it was still flying freely in the sky, however.........
生命是可貴的 , 十秒前牠仍能在天空自由飛翔 , 十秒後便死於非命

( a photo taken by my teacher )

[ Last edited by lchunfai at 20/11/2009 18:31 ]
I am just an inexperienced birder/ birdwatcher/ twitcher/ photographer with no long lens.


Original posted by lalan at 20/11/2009 18:34
oh no~
據第一發現的同學, 牠是吐血....

I am just an inexperienced birder/ birdwatcher/ twitcher/ photographer with no long lens.

