
Paddy Rice in LV 塱原的稻米

I think SLT has a point here.

Why don't we just let the birds have all the rice seeds produced. After all it could save their lives, especially the Ybr Buntings. Rice served up in its natural form like this is what they absolutely need.

Can't we find the funds elsewhere to cover "project promotion, education, generation of income for wetland protection as well as the seeds for rice planting"? Especially "generation of income for wetland protection"? Can LV rice sales really make any difference there?

Mike Turnbull


The clarification on the funding issue helps (though the ECF administrators sound rather mixed up in their sense of mission to me).

Actually I can't see how preventing birds from feeding, whatever method you use, can tally with the aims (and underlying values) of the HKBWS.

If this rice project, or its funding method, involves putting time and effort into producing habitat for threatened birds, such as Yellow-breasted Buntings, and then preventing them from feeding on it, wouldn't we be better off just letting it be rank grassland with "wild" rice in it, and letting nature take its cost-free course.

Mike Turnbull

