
Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile

Excellent bokeh. The elegant head turn makes the shot even more appealing. Pete


How long does it take to complete the raw image saving process? By the way, the wide and mid ranges of both P5100 and P6000 are optically very capable in performance. What is the focal length of the zoom lens for the above shot?  Pete


Thanks. 5 seconds is acceptable. The long wait in 8400 for the raw to be done is unacceptable, annoying as a matter of fact. A pity that P6000 is not provided with a release cable; it seems the usual practice of Nikon not to provide such a device in all of its dc products.

Do hope that Nikon will show its interest in developing a product line on the mirrorless camera. In the absence of the bouncing mirror, the problem with vibration can be resolved significantly.


