
Warbler ID

Warbler ID

1 Feb 2011
Po Shan Road
I just managed to get these poor photos of it. Could you please help me to ID this bird. What is it most likely to be?
Size seems to be larger than a Dusky Warbler. No call was heard. Thanks.


Thanks to all for your help. Sorry that I have no more photos of the bird because of the dense vegetation. I think it is not a Pale Thrush, Dusky Warbler or Common Tailor Bird. Yes, I agree it might be a Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler or Manchurian Bush Warbler. Does it fit Radde's Warbler or Yellow-streaked Warbler?

To Russcath, I think you have already found the Po Shan Road birding directory from other thread of this forum. The bird was found on the slope by the Po Shan Road near a monitoring station in the afternoon (the lowest section of Po Shan Road on the Brendan's birding map).

