
荔枝角公園隨想 - a story in Lai Chi Kok Park


非常同意你的見解, 明顯地, 鳥攝的朋友不喜歡在鳥會post相, 我估計有以下原因.
1. 太少人參與, 回應又少, 得不到正面鼓勵.
2. 感覺上規管多. (如每個post的相片數量, 大小. 我就曾收到有鳥友電郵說我出得太多post.)
3. 分類太細, 又怕post錯位置, 不方便.
4. 在某些情況下, 真的不想透露地點, 但在此討論區, 是必須列明地點.

之前在討論區中有關鳥攝的衝突, 已清楚地看到鳥攝人仕的分化情形, 因為攝影普及後, 當中出現不少人, 有一群人是認為自己應拍到出色相片為先的, 自稱讓後世人留最好的記錄. 與另外一群自稱應以盡量減輕對大自然影響為先... 當然我自稱是後者...  心埋面真的害怕地點透露後, 會出現什麼不愉快的事情. 就如去年錦田, 在日間, 仍然有人以閃燈拍攝斑頭鵂鶹的幼鳥為例. 真怕今年他們不回來再繁殖...

老實說, 若果能分享給更多有心人, 實是好事, 心內更是滿足. 但現在最怕是"好心做壞事"....

I agree with Gary’s view.  To me, the reasons why bird photographers don’t post at this Forum are:

1. Too few participants and responses, there is no positive feedback
2. There appears to be too many rules (e.g. no. of photos in one post, size of photos, I have received an email telling that I post too much)
3. The classification is so detailed that it’s easy to make errors, not convenient
4. Under some situations I don’t want to disclose the location but it is mandatory at this Forum

Previous discussions have shown clearly that bird photographers have organized into two camps: those who put photos before the birds and those who put birds before photos.  Being a member of the latter I worry that bad things could happen if the location is disclosed – just last year some people used flash to photograph the Asian Barred Owlet in broad daylight at Kam Tin – and I’m afraid they won’t return to breed again.

It’s good to share the news with those who have a heart, but bad things may result from good intentions.

Translated by Webcreeper
Sammy Sam and Winnie Wong 森美與雲泥

