
Please help ID ..

From my point of view, I don't think it is a big concern to have our IDs, even though those birds are common.

Yet, for birders' view, we hope you will find birding interesting, not being just the fun of taking photos for them.  If it does, your interest is on phototaking, not birding.  Every single item in your photo should be an interesting object to be photo taken, not the subject itself.  Surely, we respect your selection on your hobbies but birds indeed have so much interesting stuff to study/observe/experience/feel.  Their movement, their differences among individuals, their behavior, their migration features, their incredible instincts, their appearances, etc.  

If you love birds, I think you will be interested in identifying them as well.  Will be happy if we can see that you attempt to guess what the birds are, instead of just getting the correct answer and put to your caption for the photos.
Manson Tsang

