
raptor id, please

Hi Maria, we might have seen this bird too since I was birdwatching in Tai Mo Shan today morning!  My friend and I saw 1 Bonelli's eagle and 2 crested serpent eagles flying to the direction to Shek Kong/Kun Yam Shan.  The former and 1 of the latter had a very bad shape - severe loss of feathers.  The crested serpent eagle was even chased by a black kite to leave its 'zone'.  From the underwing converts, it's not like a crested serpent eagle.  So I think it's a Bonelli's eagle?

Would more experienced birders please comment? (I could not think of any other possibilities...of course this bird may not be the one we've seen!)

[ Last edited by thinfor at 6/06/2009 18:40 ]
Manson Tsang


Yes, you're right.  It must be another bird since it doesn't look like a raptor with an eagle size (It doesn't look like a Bonelli's eagle neither according to the prev photos posted).  I linked the 2 birds since their feather loss were quite similar but indeed from my memory the eagle I've seen had a even more worn tail.

It's definitely a kind of goshawk.  Thanks!

[ Last edited by thinfor at 6/06/2009 20:25 ]
Manson Tsang

