
Please help ~ Great Coucal / Lesser Coucal?

I think Iris colour is the best feather.  Lesser Coucal has black iris, Greater has red iris.

HF Cheung


The feature of iris colour is never mentioned in any field guide, as far as I know.  It is a latest invention by some clever birdwatcher.  I think I heard about it from Kwokjai.

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 26/06/2012 21:50 ]


In the initial edition, mistakes in the ID of Coucal were made.  I take full responsibility for that.  At that time I found it difficult to judge the size from the photo.  It was around that time that I realized iris colour as a field mark is the most useful for photos.  Several photos were replaced in the later edition.

HF Cheung

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 3/07/2012 11:32 ]

