
[Hong Kong] Time to chop down paper bark trees? 應否斫掉大埔滘的白千層?

Support.  This suggestion is not new.  It should have been done long time ago, but, in line with civil servent tradition, "no work, therefore no fault".  It would take more time to replace those trees.

HF Cheung

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 10/09/2008 20:37 ]


I have heard about the issue about 5 years ago.  I can imagine AFCD know this issue/proposal much earlier than I did.  I really like to see wide-spread/deep consultation discussing the issue, or some assessment/feasibility study in this area.  I beleive most of the public have not heard about this and probably found it odd if the government is to take the lead to kill some very big healthy trees.  Tree planting is very popular and highly supported by the public, but, from time to time, I heard people talking about there isn't sufficient thought on selecting the proper trees to plant.  So HK continue to plant trees that may look good, but have not realised the greatest benefit to the whole eco-system.

Most the previous suggestions are really good, and have been discussed before.  Somehow, no action has been done.  I hope we can make sufficient noise this time, and make AFCD think about it more seriously.  My guess is that it will drag on.

I understand balancing the public interest, but I doubt whether the public has been properly involved at all.

HF Cheung

