
Articles for the HKBWS bulletin

Articles for the HKBWS bulletin

The HKBWS Bulletin need your support.  If you like to record your bird-watching stories, you should consider sending them to be published on the HKBWS bulletin.  In the past, we have many exciting trip reports and outing stories.  However, anything related to bird or our society can be accepted for publication.  Like to try?  Beautiful photos are also welcome.  We constantly need excellent photos for the cover and also the inside colour pages.

Please send your contribution to the HKBWS office or to the bulletin editor directly.  Thank you.

HF Cheung


Thank you for expressing concern on the publication of the Flamingo photo.  I think we do not need to take the publication of that photo very seriously.  To say that the society endorse keeping captive bird is a bit too far, I think.  We can look at that photo from a lot of different angles.

Going to Kowloon Park to see Flamingo is like going to the zoo.  In the present case, a member would like to share with us the lighter sides of life in the zoo.  There is no intention of endorsing keeping captive bird.  The editor also under-estimate the reaction of some readers.  If similar feelings have been expressed on the discussion forum when the photo first come out, the editor might have been more alert on the issue.

That is a photo well captured by the photographer.  I like it.  I hope I will not be charged with supporting keeping captive birds.

HF Cheung

