講座在小許軟件問題下最終順利完成,感謝 Mr. Hishey Tshering 遠道而來作出精彩的演講,感謝林超英安排是次講座,同場意外驚喜為李錦昌醫生為大家分享不丹的鳥攝。
The talk went smoothly despite minor technical problem in the beginning. Many thanks to Mr. Hishey Tshering for coming all the way down to give a informative talk, also to Mr CY Lam who arranged the talk. The unexpected Bhutan bird photography sharing section by Dr. KC Lee has given a big surprise to everyone.
Mr CY Lam introducing the Speaker
Mr Hishey Tshering is giving details on Bhutan bird watching
Mr Hishey Tshering
Dr. KC Lee is sharing his bird photography in Bhutan
Mr CY Lam presenting souvenirs to Speakers