
徵求二手物品 Recruitment of secondhand material

今早辦公室獲一位熱心會員送贈11箱紙, 暫時已能紓緩辦公室的需求. 香港觀鳥會的會員...總是很熱心幫忙辦公室的, 十分感謝...

如果大家仍然有一些準備拋棄的單面紙的話, 也可以繼續給我們捐贈, 減少浪費的. 不過為確保辦公室有足夠的空間儲存, 請先跟辦公室聯絡, 以作安排, 謝謝!

HKBWS office received 11 boxes of papers donated by a member this morning. Our members are always helpful to the office...thank you very much...

If you still have some single-sided papers which are going to be discarded, please donate them to us so as to reduce waste. To make sure that the office has enough space for storage, please contact us before arranging the collection. Thank you very much.

