
應否公開稀有鳥類的位置? Should locations of rarities be publicized?

Guideline on reporting special bird finding

Dear Dr Cheung,

I totally agree with your direction on how to handle the lingering discussion for the above.

Back to basic, all members should have expressed their agreement on the objectives of HKBWS before joining.  "It is to promote the study, appreciation and conservation of birds in Hong Kong.  In addition, the Society also facilitates the exchange of experience and information related to bird watching".  I personally much appreciate the 'knowledge sharing' spirit instilled by the Society.

As an ordinary member in the HKBWS, I would entrust our Chairman and Executive Committee to establish a proper guideline on reporting special bird finding which will 'facilitates the exchange of experience and information related to bird watching' as well as "promote the study, appreciation and conservation of birds in Hong Kong."


Mr Tai please help enlighten me

Dear Mr Tai,

Could you please help enlighten me by advising in which HKBWS official channel did indicate that you are "serving the local Chinese birding community by being the official informer as regard bird finds (being in charge of the Chinese Hotline)".  Sorry that I just don't have a clue.  

I feel totally confused now.  If you are known to have such offical capacity then all unhappy events and lingering discussions should not have happened.

