
Report leg-flagged shorebirds

Report leg-flagged shorebirds

Many migratory shorebirds are now passing through Hong Kong for the northward migration. Some of them have been put on color flags on their legs which is used to study their mgiration pattern. It is a very useful information for the conservation of the migratory shorebirds.

When you see any shorebirds to have flags on their legs, please note the species of the birds, colour(s) of flag(s), position of flags (above or below 'knee'), any code on the flag and breeding plumage of the birds in class of 25% (i.e. 0, trace, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Then please send these sighting records to me through email:
bfspoon bill@hkb (delete the space).

Thank you very much

Yu Yat-tung
Waterbird Monitoring Programme


Reminder - reports of leg-flagged shorebirds

Dear all,

I would like to remind you again that I am collecting the re-sightings of leg-flagged shorebirds. All the reports will be included in the Shorebird Monitoring Report which will be available for download later on and also will be sent to international coordinator for information exchange.

Please send me the date and some information about the flagged birds (please refer to the message above) to the email account:
bfsp oonbill @hkb (delete the space).

Thank you very much
Yu Yat-tung

