
Mount Davis - Spring 2013

I'm with you there Brendan. I was only pondering the other day why no Scarlet Minivets have been seen on the Island (to my knowledge) when they are pretty widespread in the NT, even in some pretty ordinary habitat on the urban fringe?

Nice find btw Mr_Kam

[ Last edited by sdavid at 26/04/2013 10:31 ]


Can't help with why there is a wire fence on Mount Davis I'm afraid, Mr_Kam.

Dylan - most of those species you mention aren't aroundnow. Other than the Scimitar-babbler I think I've only had Leiothrix once up there.  Crested Serpent Eagle I've only had twice on the Island (Tai Tam and Deep Water Bay).

As I say, I am surpised on the lack of Minivets (Scarlet and Grey-chinned) on the Island - in fact, Beetle's record from HK Park is the first one I have heard of from the Island. I'd be interested to hear of anymore. Surely it can't be long before they get over this way!

