After sending two emails and a follow up letter to the Legislative Councilor Hon. Gary Chan Hak-kan, an email reply was received tonight (12th May) and a short summary in English is given as below. However, there is still no response to the requested issues including taking photos of active nest sites and the juvenile, practices of the bird photographer and protection of wild birds in HK.
感謝 閣下對在立法會大樓築巢的紅耳鵯的關心。
本人較早前未收過 閣下的電郵查詢,這可能涉及電郵系統故障。
在此再次感謝 閣下的意見,謝謝
陳克勤 啟
Office of legislative councilor Hon. Gary Chan Hak-kan
(Short summary of the reply):
"Your letter dated 2nd May is acknowledged and your concern of the Crested Bulbul nested in the Legislative Council Building is appreciated.
I did not receive any of your email probably due to the failure system. Regarding the news in mid-April, I notified the Legislative Council Secretariat immediately after my discovery of the nest and reminded to avoid disturbance to the nest as well as the juvenile."