
Red-Billed Magpie

Red-Billed Magpie

Seen on Lamma Island about a week or so ago... exact location & date tbc

Description I was given by an avid birdwatcher who could not find it in any of the books..
"was about the size & looked like a Magpie, with a long tail, grey back & a red  beak.... quite a stunning looking bird".......

No photo though as the lady doesn't photograph, but over the past few years has directed me to a number of birds & has been able to identify them all correctly on each occasion


Possible.. but lady was adamant that plumage was grey... just remembered... said undertail was barred


HI... ah see what yu mean.. Red-billed & Blue are in fact Red-billed Blue Magpie... I wax thinking you meant Taiwan Blue Magpie... bumped into the lady today & asked her to google to make sure

[ Last edited by mguy at 13/06/2013 20:02 ]

