
[Hong Kong] Save HK Ramsar Wetland 救救拉姆薩爾濕地

Save HK Ramsar Wetland 救救拉姆薩爾濕地




80公頃地 5%建住宅




長實稱樓宇大量綠化 顏色配合環境



Referring to the map of the forthcoming development proposal, HK Ramsar Site is under serious threat from the residential development and the human disturbance, noise, air, light pollution should be increased dramatically. All the developers are advertising their development cause no neglect lost on the wetland habitat and even can increase the ecological value of the site. But who can guaranteed regarding their claims and who will be responsible for monitoring their conservation works after selling out and making the profit? It seems there are no strategic and accumulative impacts assessment among these projects. I am really worry about the future of our wetland. Should HKBWS put this issue to Birdlife International and Ramsar Convention? International pressure would surely make a difference. At least, we could fight for the better coordination among different development and conservation plan.

[ Last edited by Webcreeper at 20/09/2008 16:07 ]



I agreed with you that HK Government would not spend money in buying up the wetland and it is impossible for green groups to raise money in safeguarding these area too. And the upgrading of the abandoned fishponds could really enhance the ecological value and benefit the birds. However, my concern here is if this green light is given to the developers to build such high raise/ high density building right beside the Rasmar Site/ inside the buffer zone, other similar developments should happen around this important wetland in the near future. The cumulative impacts and the overall disturbance has not been assessed or impossible to assess. This surely would not be a wise-use of the wetland when considering the interests of birds. Moreover, the so-called conservation plans agreed is guaranteed for three years only. They had not mentioned the management and funding for those wetland afterwards. What can we do if they left the wetland abandoned after the funding period as those lands are private areas. From the track record of the developers' promise, they will never make it if these are not profitable.  


