
Black-faced spoonbill A42 with Green

Black-faced spoonbill A42 with Green

I took photo for Black-faced spoonbill A42 with Green ring at Mai Po Boardwalk New Hide on 13apr 2019
but I could not find any record for this bird on your website or TAIWAN Black-faced spoonbill Conservation Network.
Would you mind to check and advice where I can get record of this bird ?
by the way, I could not provide record for this bird on website.

[ Last edited by 深圳大鱼 at 17/04/2019 00:34 ]


Thank you very much for your post and it is very good to see the bird in good condition.

This bird was firstly found injured in the fishpond near Wetland Park and rescued by our surveyor. It was treated in the Wild Animal Rescue Centre of Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden till full recovery. The bird was then released at Mai Po on 13 Feb 2019.

This bird was seen at and around Mai Po several times after release. Our BFS record system is still not in function and we cannot show resightings of this BFS (or any colour-ringed BFS) in the system. If you have more resightings, please share in this forum.


Black-faced spoonbill A42

Many tks for your reply!
I am so happy to know this BFS is under good condition after been released .

I found BFS A41 was similar with BFS A42.
It was weak and rescued at Lok Ma Chau ,Hk on 18Feb 2018 and released on 5Mar 2019.
I can find BFS A41 full detail on ( attachment is for your ref . )

But I could not find any detail of A42 on
it show " no record " for A42 after searching.
If they missed to post A42 detail  on website of Taiwan Black-Faced Spoonbill Conservation Association ?
or any other reason ?

your reply will be apprecited !


A41 DETAIL.pdf (57.29 KB)

17/04/2019 14:31, Downloaded count: 564

