I am writing to seek recommendations on what we may do against illegal hunting (birds) in Shanghai. Bin Hai is located at the south east coast of Shanghai and has an enclosed wetland area equivalent to about two football fields. The wetland has been a popular habitat for ducks and shorebirds during winter as well as migratory seasons. The bird population in Bin Hai does not meet the population in the two nature reserves nearby (Chongming Dongtan and Jiu Duan Sha), but due to the ease to access and poor management effort, Bin Hai has became a popular site for illegal hunting. Local bird watchers have been reporting about the use of mist nets and clap nets by illegal hunters but the authorities did little to stop illegal hunting in that area.
We went to Bin Hai last Sunday at around 1pm and found at least 30 mist nets (2m x 10m) standing within the area. A hunter was found with more ten dead shorebirds in his hands and trying to sell them to his boss. Species seen on mist nets included red-necked stints, long-toed stints, greater sand plovers and sharp-tailed sandpipers. We called the authority immediately but got negative reply. They claimed that they already known the situation and have planned a complete break down of the illegal activities on Wednesday. We were extremely disappointed since hundreds of birds will be dead due to the delayed actions. Frankly speaking, we do not even know rather the local authority will take action or not, since the illegal hunting in that area has been reported for a couple of times already this month and obviously nothing has been done.
Moreover, the local bird watchers tend to keep their mouth shut due to the close relationship between the shanghai bird watching society and the authority. The latter is the main source of financial support for the former to hold regular waterbird surveys and other related activities. Thus, the local bird watchers are not comfortable with pushing the authority too hard on the issue.
I was shocked by the openness of the hunting activities (at least 30 mist nets, easily seen from the dyke, opened all-day…) and designed to seek advices to resolve the problems, any suggestion will be welcome.
Latest update is the authority were brought to the area today by local bird watchers, but their attitudes were far from encouraging and their actions did not match anything like ‘well-planned break down’ etc… Very disappointing.
Thank you,
Jimmy Choi