Went on the route yesterday. The weather cleared for a bit, after 10.00am. Just a few records for information:
Violet Whistling Thrush
Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler (a few)
Japanese White-eyes
Chinese and Red-vented Bulbuls (in flocks)
Long Tailed Shrike
Black Kite (+2 unidentified large raptors - buzzards?)
Barn Swallow
possibly a Japanese Bush Warbler (definitely a Bush Warbler, with a quick repetitive two-syllabic call: "Chip-poh"). Seemed to have a russet cap and call close to what I heard on a website for the Japanese Bush Warbler, but not completely sure, as I didn't expect it to be at such elevation.
Lark (not sure again which kind)
Chinese Francolin
and a nice male Grey-Chinned Minivet on the top of Kadoorie Farm where I finished the walk, just at the start of the forest.
I hope we will get a second chance for a Tai Mo Shan outing this spring...