Went to Jiang Xi Wuyishan for a 5 days trip, thanks for Mr. Lin for showing us all these beautiful birds. we saw a total of 109 species of birds, including those seen in other places in Jiang Xi.
Special Species includes Cabot's Tragopan and White-necklaced Partridge. Also, a possible Wood Warbler was seen inside a wave of birds for about 3 minutes, though we were not able to take a photo of it. It was a very pale green warbler with no marks or wingbars on it's body, with a yellow browed and throat and a white lower body extending to it's throat, it was also pale legged and about 12cm in length.
A great trip with all the targeted birds seen.
The views up on Wuyishan were spectacular with exceptionally clear sky.
Black-Chinned Yuhina
Canon 20D + 400mm f/5.6