Raptors: A Field Guide for Surveys and Monitoring - With CD-ROM 'Raptor Calls: Britain and Ireland' (Second Edition)
Author:Jon Hardey, Humphrey Crick, Chris Wernham, Helen Riley, Brian Etheridge, and Des Thompson
Publisher:TSO (The Stationery Office)
370 pages, colour plates, black and white illustrations.
Book cover
http://www.tsoshop.co.uk/booksto ... 452&Action=Book
This publication, 'Raptors: A Field Guide to Survey and Monitoring', written by experienced professionals, is aimed at people who watch, survey or monitor raptors. It provides detailed descriptions of survey methods for all species of raptor (Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, and Strigiformes), which regularly occur in the United Kingdom.
The Second Edition of this field guide has been updated to take account of feedback received from raptor fieldworkers based on their experience of using the book, as well as reviewers.
It also includes a new section featuring high quality, full colour photographs of raptor feathers for identification purposes. This section contains 55 pictures clearly showing the wing formula and diagnostic features for 22 species of raptor, including separate photographs for males and females of sexually dimorphic species.
The book, including a CD-ROM containing raptor calls, sets out to promote best practice for the survey and monitoring of raptors.