中國鳥類觀察記事本(一套五本) Notepad of China Bird Watch (5 notepads each set)
The bimonthly magazine China Bird Watch has recently produced a set of 5 notepads. There are 5 sets available in the office, please come and purchase at the HKBWS office. Limited copies, first come first serve (No reservation)
每本記事本內都是空白頁, 夾有四頁彩色頁是其餘4本的封面圖畫。
售價: 會員 $15一本, $60 一套; 非會員 $20一本, $80一套
Blank pages inside with 4 color pages of the other 4 cover pictures.
Price: Member $15/notepad, $60/set; Non-member $20/notepad, $80/set