中華秋沙鴨於世界自然保育聯盟紅皮書中 (IUCN Red List) 被列入為瀕危品種 (EN), 現存的1,000 - 2,500隻正面對失去棲息地、非法捕獵和人類騷擾的威脅。 在過去40年, 牠們的數量迅速減少。
中華秋沙鴨是遷徙鳥, 每年都飛越南北韓半島和中國東北, 於中韓邊境的鴨綠江和吉林省的松江河停歇, 而中國中南部(江西及福建)便是牠們的主要越冬地。
香港觀鳥會的兩位熱心會員自幾年前到黑龍江, 吉林和江西看過中華秋沙鴨後便深深被牠們吸引, 決意為牠們做點事情。他們於今年自資製作了一批中華秋沙鴨領呔, 並準備將所賺得的收入全數撥歸香港觀鳥會中國自然保育基金 – 中華秋沙鴨保育計劃。
領呔現於觀鳥會辦公室發售, 另外我們亦會攜同少量到室內講座時發售, 有興趣的朋友請注意呵~
會員: 1條 $200, 2條$300
非會員: 1條$300, 2 條$500
Scaly-sided Merganser is an
endangered species (EN) in the IUCN Red List and the remaining 1,000 – 2,500 individuals are now facing the threats of habitat loss, illegal hunting and human disturbances. In the last 40 years, their number decreased dramatically.
Being a migratory species, Scaly-sided Merganser migrate through the Korean peninsula and northeast China each year, and the wintering birds concentrate in central and southern China (Jiangxi and Fujian).
After having a glance of this beautiful bird several years ago, two of the HKBWS members are in love with it and they decide to do something for it. They produce some ties with lovely Scaly-sided Merganser pattern and they would like to sell them through HKBWS. All the income earned will be donated to HKBWS China Conservation Fund – Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation.
The ties are now sold in the HKBWS office and we’d also bring some to the indoor meetings for selling.
Selling price:
Member: $200 for one, $300 for two
Non-member: $300 for one, $500 for two.
Thank you very much for your support!