
Large-billed crow (no photo)

Large-billed crow (no photo)

A flock of 24 was on telegraph wires above Bayside Beach in Clearwater Bay this morning. This is the largest flock I have seen in almost 5 years. Also a flock of around 100 Black kites - quite unusual here although 40-50 is not uncommon.



An interesting record.

Flocks of Large-billed Crows are regular in both spring and autumn on Po Toi. The largest flock over the last 4 years was 28 in April 2006 but usually they are less than ten.

I'm not sure whether these are true migration or just wandering groups, but Large-billed Crow migration has been recorded elsewhere is SE Asia so these are quite possibly migrants.

The Black Kites are probably an accumulation of migrating birds also, brought down from further north by the cold front.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 14/11/2009 18:49 ]


Thanks Geoff. The Avifauna records bigger flocks of LBC but although they are regular here I rarely see more than 3 or 4. I always trawl through the kite flocks for other raptor species. Sometimes there are common buzzards but usually nothing more. I am intrigued how my new home will be for birds. I have already seen Dusky warbler in the garden. When we move I will start an "official list".

