
香港觀鳥會辦公室繼續開放! HKBWS office Open Day continues!

香港觀鳥會辦公室繼續開放! HKBWS office Open Day continues!

7月19日的辦公室開放日圓滿完成了!! 大家看看稍後上載的照片便知道了~

另外本辦公室會一直開放至本月尾 (7月31日), 供大家免費取閱或購買展品, 有興趣的朋友歡迎於週一至週五3:00 - 5:30pm 及週六 9:30am - 1:00pm 到訪!

The Open Day on 19th July has been finished successfully!! You may have a look at photos uploaded later~

Our office will continue to open for members and non-members to come and take/buy things. If you are interested, please come and visit us from 3:00 - 5:30pm from Mon - Fri and 9:30am - 1:00pm on Saturday.


How could i read the contents of the HKBWS website i used to enjoy such as the birding hot spots in HK?


I'm very sorry that the main website of HKBWS ( is still under maintenance.
Before the main website is restored, all the news about HKBWS, photo taken by bird watchers and bird reports will be put in this forum.
You can check the latest posts by simply clicking " CHECK NEW POSTS!!! " at the top of the forum page. You can also go to the section "Bird Observatory" then "other hotspots" for the bird reports of different sites.
I hope you enjoy this forum as well!


Dear Friends,

You can still enjoy part of our main website. Just click the "Archive 往昔資料記錄" after entering our main website (


HKBWS Office

