1. 擬議的發展會破壞超過69公頃自然環境, 亦會大大減低另外16多公頃土地的生態價值, 與申請書聲稱"保護自然生態"一說大相逕庭, 亦不符合「南丫島分區計劃大綱核准圖 (S/I-LI/9)」的整體規劃意向;
2. 申請書包括一份選扯研究, 該研究已指出本港尚有多個可行地點, 可見並無必要在申請地點作有關發展;
3. 現時的規劃能夠適當保護該區的環境及生物多樣性, 發展亦侵佔了建議郊野公園的範圍;
4. 申請人就建議的「保育走廊」並沒有預備任何管理計劃, 而發展亦接近完全包圍「保育走廊」, 破壞其生態連繫, 並有多條行車路穿過其中, 加上對其造成的各樣滋擾(如噪音、光害、人為騷擾、生物被輾斃等等), 「保育走廊」的成效成疑;
5. 申請人提交的生態評估(特別是雀鳥部份)非常粗疏;
6. 白腹海鵰等一些出沒在海岸環境的雀鳥將受到各類型發展(包括擬建的石鼓洲廢物處理設施、海上風力發電場等)影響, 申請人並未有評估這些累計影響;
7. 擬議發展亦對深灣具特殊科學價值地點造成影響, 其旁邊亦不適合被劃為「綜合發展區」;
8. 擬議發展對該地及其附近的景觀及生態價值造成不可接受的影響, 損害公眾利益。
HKBWS's summary of comments (regarding TPB application) for your reference:
(The official submissions for EIA project profile and TPB application would be uploaded later.)
1. The proposed development would destroy 69 hectares of natural environment, and affect the ecological value of another 16 hectares of land, which is contradictory to the claim of the application ("protect local biodiversity") and the general planning intention of the Lamma Island Outline Zoning Plan (S/I-LI/9);
2. A study supplied by the applicant has shown that there are a number of potential sites in Hong Kong, thus there is no need for the proposed development to be at the proposed location;
3. The current zoning is appropriate to protect the environment and biodiversity in the area, and the proposed development is encroaching the area of potential country park;
4. No management plan was provided by the applicant regarding the suggested "Conservation Corridor". Developments are also nearly completely surrounding the "Corridor" which breaks ecological linkages, and there are roads going across the corridor. In addition, disturbance such as noise, light, roadkill and human disturbance would be brought to the "corridor". Thus the function of the proposed "Corridor" is doubtfull;
5. The ecological assessment provided by the applicant (esp. bird assessments) was poorly prepared;
6. Birds such as White-bellied Sea Eagle is facing threats from the cumulative impacts of various proposed developments (e.g. Shek Kwu Chau IWMF, offshore windfarm). However, no cumulative impact assessment was provided by the applicant;
7. The proposed development would affect the Sham Wan SSSI and a development zoning next to the SSSI is inappropriate;
8. The proposed development would destroy the landscape and ecological value of the site and its surrounding, causing harm to public interest.