
Collared Crow - yellow colour ring - records welcomed

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Collared Crow - yellow colour ring - records welcomed

The KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre have successfully rehabilitated an abandoned Collared Crow entrusted into their care last year and on 28th September released it back to the wild at Mai Po Nature Reserve.

A short video of its release is shown here - ... s/1442183572484433/

The bird has been ringed with a standard metal ring with unique identifier number and also fitted with a yellow colour ring on its left leg.  

Any sightings or photos of this particular bird would be welcomed in this thread or emailed to myself (djs or Joyee Chan (joyeechan to help build a better understanding of habitat use and movements by this rare bird species.

Many thanks and well done to KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre in all their hard work with returning this enigmatic bird back to the wild

