
黄河口首届国际观鸟节观鸟参赛队 Bird Race at Yellow River Delta

黄河口首届国际观鸟节观鸟参赛队 Bird Race at Yellow River Delta

11月是觀賞到訪黃河三角洲遷徙候鳥的黃金季節! 在這個觀鳥的好時機, 中國野生動物保護協會, 山東省林業局, 濕地國際及東營市人民政府主辦, 山東黃河三角洲國家級自然保護區管理局承辦"中國黃河口首屆國際觀鳥節"


地點: 山東黃河三角洲國家級自然保護區及天鵝湖

時間: 2010年11月6至7日

規模: 25支參賽隊, 每隊最多3名隊員,

安排: 當地食宿及交通費用由管理局負責

有興趣參加的朋友, 請填寫好以下表格後電郵至, 當地負責單位的聯絡電話亦可以表格中找到.


November is the golden period for watching migratory birds at Yellow River Delta. Therefore, China Wildlife Conservation Association, Shandong Provincial Department of Forestry, Wetland International and People’s Government of Dongying City organized the 1st International Bird Festival at Yellow River Delta in early November.

About the Bird Race at Yellow River Delta:
Venue: Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve and the Swan Lake
Date: 6th & 7th November 2010
Number of teams: 25 teams with 3 teammates each at most
Arrangement: The nature reserve will cover all local expense including meals, accommodation and transportation fee

If you are interested in this event, please fill in the application form (in Chinese only) here and email it to The contact number can also be found in the form.

Information about the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve can be found here:


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Birding and Bird Race at Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve

Dear all

Anyone interested in the captioned topic above and can spare five to six days from
3rd -8th Nov 2010(3rd flying to destination and get settled down, 4 & 5th being warm-up days, 6th and 7th being the bird race proper, 8th flying back to HK or elsewhere plan tentative and subject to modification) may pm me here including information about your name, contact telephone no. and email address, or give me a reply here if you have problems.

Members who know me personally or have confidence in me and speak either English or Cantonese
are welcome, especially who speak Putonghua (Mandarin) are desperately needed.

I intend to be captain of one team and co-ordinator of the whole activity. My strong point is
I have plenty of spare time (two to three hours per day  on average) and my weak point is that
I can hardly speak Putongha myself (I avow that I will do hard cramming once there is enough
participants for one team).

The deadline for local enrollment is 20th hour of 18th Nov 2010 so that I can send necessary
information to the organisers (notification of approval from them being 20th Oct 2010).

Establishment of basic communication between us is important so act quickly. Website and information
about the nature reserve, the bird race and activity schedule is


S L Tai

NB: A brief summary of the Nature's birdlist:25 sp of raptors, 8 cranes (awesome lot), 8 owls
(wah!), 12 Buntings, 32 ducks and geeses and lots of pipits and finches, 296 in total.


請注意: 香港觀鳥會並非是次觀鳥節的合辦或協辦單位, 各有興趣參加比賽的朋友, 請務必直接聯絡其主辦單位~


Please note that HKBWS is not the coorganizer or supporting unit of the race. If you are interested, please contact the organizing committee in Yellow River Delta directly~

Wish you an exciting race!

