
Strange facial markings?

Strange facial markings?

Found this Red-breasted Flycatcher with strange facial markings - similar on other side of face but not the same

Today - Lamma Island - North facing hillside
D3 w/Nikkor 500mm F/4D


This is a diseased bird.It may be infectious, although there are other causes (like a dermatitis). Avian pox virus or a parasitic infection are fairly high up on the list of causes.The legs look OK , but can also be affected in many of these diseases which tend to favour the less feathered areas. You might want to show a vet these pictures if you know one. You also might want to do something about your bathing pool
( - get one of those UV filters or clean it out and leave it to dry out for some time to try to kill off any infectious potential???). Possibly something to worry about , and although I spend my life looking at peoples eyes this is not the sort of thing I know much about.You theoretically might be on the brink of a local problem. if you are lucky this may not be infectious.

[ Last edited by RUWright at 18/12/2010 08:07 ]


Thanks Eric.
Fortunately this photo was not taken near the pond & have not seen the bird near the pond. Although it does not mean it isn't a visitor to the pond when I am not around. Neil & I have pretty much monitored the pond for all the daylight hours.

I shall pay special attention to this bird & shall keep an eye on the other visitors to the pond for the markings.

Thank you, Guy

