
Which Speices of Cisticola?

Which Speices of Cisticola?

The first one looks like a Zitting as its tail, at the angle of the photo, is not that long.

However, I think the second one could be a Bright-capped as the tail is fairy long.

Any clues to ID the two birds?


cisticola IMG_7105.jpg (93.6 KB)

13/11/2011 09:47

cisticola IMG_7105.jpg

Cisticola IMG_7114.jpg (102.84 KB)

13/11/2011 09:47

Cisticola IMG_7114.jpg


I think both are Zitting - the eye-brows are both very apparent.


I agree, both are Zitting. As Beetle says, the head pattern is not right for Bright-capped: the supercilium is fairly well marked and pale. Bright-capped should have overall colder tones rather than the bright gingery tones on these birds. The upperparts on Bright-capped tend to look fairly grey and the underparts are usually more distinctly two-tone (ginger flanks contrasting with white belly).
Also the behvaiour, sitting in the open on a wire, is typical for Zitting but unusual for Bright-capped.


thanks for the tips!
however, I think I have to find a bright-capped before fully understand their differences


The call is the most obvious hint for you to find one - especially from a distance.

I disagree with John about the behaviour, as I have seen Bright-capped perching on wires and poles quite often.

Another interesting observation is that some individuals of cisticolas (both species) appear to be very shy but some individuals allows very close approach. Two extremes...

[ Last edited by Beetle at 14/11/2011 21:18 ]



There's a shot of Bright-capped Cisticola here: ... &extra=page%3D2

and some discussion about identification.

Hope this helps.

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 18/11/2011 15:45 ]

