Hi SL,
Thanks for your nice comment. Here is a list of birding spots we visited during this Yunnan trip :
瑞麗: 畹町生態園, 南京里, 莫里瀑布, 姐勒水庫, 瑞麗植物園
那邦: 銅壁關
盈江: 大盈江橋, 允燕佛塔
章風: 戶撤東山
騰沖: 來鳳山森林公園
保山: 高黎貢百花嶺
For transport, long-distance buses linking the towns are available daily. To go to the birding spots, we normally hired taxis; they were not on meters outside the town & we needed to negotiate a price beforehand.
For accommodation, there are many budget hotels around & no advance booking is necessary. For 百花嶺, as it's a hot spot for birders & trekkers, we booked Mr Hau's Guest House in advance (there is no other guest house in the village which is about 11 km from the main road). Mr. Hau's (老侯) mobile no. 86-13577552830. Hope the above info. will help!