
[Oversea] Ruddy Turnstone’s marathon flight across the Pacific

The Turnstone's feat just reminds we all human beings that we are just members of the living world. What we can do with aids of tons and tons of machines and billions of dollars should still be felt inferior to the bird with regards to physical ability and achievement, and also what intelligence and sense have guided the bird returning to Australia.

Can we humans ever able to repeat it, I mean without aid? I doubt it.

Let's get humbled and dethrone us voluntarily from the top place we have assigned us
for being the most intelligent, creative and resourceful being, and feel shameful with
our power to destroy!

Should we be thankful if the birds accept us just as equals?

Gratefull would be a better term. For me I'll render myself to be its student if it
so as graciously accept my sincerest application.

S L Tai

