
Chat or Thrush?

I think it is a Pale Thrush

I can see why Grey-sided Thrush has been suggested for this bird but it looks like a Pale Thrush to me for the following reasons:

- strong legs and long tail, quite a large thrush. Grey-sided is small and short-tailed like eye-browed (which takes a smaller ring size than Pale).

- head pattern not strong enough for a Grey-sided even a first winter - look at photos on the OB site. Grey-sided always show two white stripes, above and below the eye and a dark eye stripe.

- grey 'sides' can be weak in first winter Grey-sided but this is just rather dull grey below, not showing a distinction between the flanks and belly.

Mike Leven


The 1992 Grey-sided Thrush claim

I don't have references to hand but I can only remember one Grey-sided Thrush claim in HK - I think that this was the one referred to by David.

From memory that record was not accepted as it was considered that  a dull Eye-browed Thrush was not ruled out. (Long before the digital photo days!)


