
[Oversea] Great Egret 大白鷺

Great Egret 大白鷺

Taken in Tokyo Port Wild Bird park 攝於東京灣野鳥公園
Summer 2010 夏

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park is made of naturally raised at the reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay . It is close to the downtown and Haneda Airport. There are 24.9 hectares including ecological park, ponds, tidal mudflats and facilities such as management office, natural learning centre, observation huts and nature centre. The 3-storeys nature centre is air-conditioned and overlooks the tidal pond. There are observation room, exhibition hall, audiovisual room, library corner, toilets and vending machine for beverages. Since the opening of the Bird Park, there were 219 species of bird observed (as of July 2009).

東京都立東京港野鳥公園,位於東京港西部的填海區,鄰近東京市中心,距羽田機場僅13分鐘車程。野鳥公園佔地24.9公頃包括生態公園、池塘、泥灘、管理辦公室、學習中心、觀鳥小屋和自然中心等。 3層高的自然中心像幢泥灘鳥屋,更有空調設備,除瞭望室外,還有展覽廳、視聽間、圖書館、洗手間和自動飲料售賣機。截至2009年7月,園中共錄得 219 個野鳥品種。

thanks for watching 多謝點閱 !

[ Last edited by lsinyin at 21/09/2010 00:22 ]


Samuel, thanks a lot.

According to the book "The Herons" from James A. Kushlan and James A. Hancock, "it is distinguished from the Great Egret of the west by its slightly smaller size, two-tone brown to grey-black legs, and yellow bill and in breeding by a combination of black bill, green lores, and pink to purple-red wash on dark legs."


John, thank you very much.

