
ID Pls.

Looks like a Grey Wagtail to me.

No seriously, I think an immature Rosy Minivet either nominate or stanfordii must be a strong possibility (let's wait for some expert comment) but as hybrids are said to occur, I guess it will be difficult.

Maybe I will have to queue for the ferry tomorrow.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 11/10/2010 13:16 ]


Do you mean yellow wing-bar?

There is some yellow on the wing and I'm not sure whether all immature birds have a wing-bar.
Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsular suggests that some immatures 'show juvenile type tertials and inner secondaries with their coverts boldly tipped and edged white' - whatever juveniles are like. You are the expert so maybe you can comment.

If it's not a Rosy or Long-tailed Minivet, then what is it? It seems rather yellow for either Ashy or Swinhoe's.

