
[Oversea] Florida again in April 2011

Florida again in April 2011

I've just got back from my annual trip to northern Florida for the northward migration and nesting season.  I only had three days as the flights seemed to be all booked up.  This was mainly going to be a digiscoping trip using my new Kowa Lens/scope Prominar and some new Kowa kit kindly provided by Kowa USA. For cameras I was using Nikon P6000/7000/300 and Canon SD4000IS (Ixus 300 ). I also took along the Panasonic G1 and 100-300 zoom for action shots.
We spent most of the time around the Titusville area ( Merritt Island) and St. Augustine and the weather was great all three days.


April 2011

great egret breed preen G1_1960988.jpg by neilfif11

great egrets spoonbills breed G1_1970436.jpg by neilfif11

wood storks breeding G1_1960911.jpg by neilfif11

cattle egrets breed P300 kw30x DSCN3491.jpg by neilfif11[/url


glossy ibis P7000 kwvid 94mmDSCN5129.jpg by neilfif11

blue winged teal pair P6000 kw DSCN8368.jpg by neilfif11

red shouldered hawk P7000 kwvid 153mm DSCN4866.jpg by neilfif11

snowy egret breed P6000 kwvid 63mm DSCN9367.jpg by neilfif11

roseatte spoonbill  P6000 kwvid 70mm DSCN9987.jpg by neilfif11


Here are a few of the shorebirds that I saw.  Not many species on this trip and not many birds this season.  Only a few hundred in 3 days.
These are all digiscoped.

least sandpipers G1 kw30x_1950201.jpg by neilfif11

lesser yellowlegs P7000 kwvid 105mm DSCN4112.jpg by neilfif11

sanderlings feed P300 kw DSCN4338.jpg by neilfif11

willet least sandpipers feed G1 kw30x_1950494.jpg by neilfif11

willet P6000 kwvid 85mm DSCN0384.jpg by neilfif11

