A trip which full of fun and suprise. Just want to share my happiness here. Thanks my friends for arranging this.
Chinese Bamboo Partridge灰胸竹雞

Great Tit大山雀

Collared Finchbill領雀嘴鵯

Eurasian Oystercatcher蠣鷸


Grey-capped Greenfinch金翅雀

Chinese Penduline Tit中華攀雀



Meadow Bunting三道眉草鵐

Oriental Skylark小雲雀

Eastern Spot-billed Duck斑嘴鴨


Kentish Plover環頸鴴

Eurasian Hoopoe戴勝

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper尖尾濱鷸


Last edited by kyshum at 1/05/2011 23:34 ]