
[Oversea] One day on Puffin Island

A great selection of photos.I'd like to offer an alternative site that logistically may  be a little more awkward if you weren't keen on hiring a car;but I haven't really looked into what the public transport links are like.The boats to the Farnes run from Seahouses.
Have a look at this website for a flavour of what's on offer.
No Black guillemots here either but Red throated Diver shouldn't be too hard to see on the sea but don't expect close views.
The Arctic Terns only start to bombard people when their eggs have hatched. The Eiders are very common but the males are only on the islands at the beginning of their breeding season.However, photographic opportunities are pretty much always available at Seahouses where they approach tourists for Fish & Chip scrapes!
If you are interested in visiting drop me a line.I live about an hour from the Farnes.

