
[Outing] 23/10/2011 Po Toi Island outing蒲台島觀鳥活動

23/10/2011 Po Toi Island outing蒲台島觀鳥活動

23/10/2011 Po Toi Island outing 蒲台島觀鳥

Activity information

Date: 23/10/2011 Sunday
Time: 08:00 - 16:00 (Ferry from Po Toi to Stanley Blake Pier start at 15:00 and 16:30; ferry from Po Toi to Aberdeen start at 18:00, participants can decide which ferry to take.)

Gathering Time & Place: 08:00 Aberdeen Ferry Pier, Aberdeen Promenade

Ferry will leave Aberdeen at 8:15am and there is only one ferry going to Po Toi from Aberdeen. To ensure you can have a place on the ferry, please be punctual! If you cannot reach Aberdeen before 8:00am, please call the activity leader 9457 3196 to reserve a place for you.

Free of Charge for all members. HK$30 for non-member. But ALL participants have to pay their own ferry fee ($40 round trip)
**No registration is required **

Target Species: Migratory birds

The Activities Enquiry Hotline / for contacting outing leaders on the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.


行程時間:上午八時至下午約四時 (蒲台島開往赤柱於下午3:00 及4:30 開出; 蒲台島開往香港仔於下午6:00開始,參加者可自行決定回程時間)

集合地點:08:00 香港仔海濱公園往蒲台島街渡碼頭

唯一一班由香港仔開往蒲台島的街渡將於8:15開出,為確保有足夠座位,敬請準時到達碼頭。如未能趕及8:00前到達,請即致電活動領隊 (9457 3196) 以便預留位置。

會員: 免費 非會員: 港幣$30
** 不用報名 **


活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196



potoi_ferry.jpeg (165.93 KB)

20/09/2011 11:22, Downloaded count: 653


Potoi.jpeg (130.03 KB)

20/09/2011 11:22, Downloaded count: 626



I think the date below "Activity Information" is wrong.


Thanks. Already corrected.
Original posted by akhan at 30/09/2011 20:54
I think the date below "Activity Information" is wrong.


See you on coming Sunday!!!


About  20-30 join the outing.  The best bird is Mugimaki Flycatcher seen well at the Pier.

HKBWS outing: Po Toi, 23 Oct 2011, cloudy turned to sunny later, east wind (force 4 to 5), 24-28 deg       
Sp. No.        中文名稱        Common Name        Status
59        夜鷺        Black-crowned Night Heron        Aberdeen
62        牛背鷺        Eastern Cattle Egret        tick
67        小白鷺        Little Egret        Aberdeen
68        岩鷺        Pacific Reef Heron        tick
83        黑鳶        Black Kite        tick
85        白腹海鵰        White-bellied Sea Eagle        over the sea
90        鳳頭鷹        Crested Goshawk        tick
105        遊隼        Peregrine Falcon        tick
214        原鴿        Domestic Pigeon        tick
215        山斑鳩        Oriental Turtle Dove        tick
216        火斑鳩        Red Turtle Dove        tick
217        珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        tick
260        普通翠鳥        Common Kingfisher        tick
282        紅尾伯勞        Brown Shrike        tick
284        棕背伯勞        Long-tailed Shrike        tick
287        黑卷尾        Black Drongo        tick
289        髮冠卷尾        Hair-crested Drongo        tick
290        黑枕王鶲        Black-naped Monarch        tick (Peter and Michelle)
291        壽帶        Asian Paradise-Flycatcher        tick (Allen and Helen)
301        大嘴烏鴉        Large-billed Crow        Aberdeen
310        紅耳鵯        Red-whiskered Bulbul        tick
311        白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul        tick
330        褐柳鶯        Dusky Warbler        tick
335        黃眉柳鶯        Yellow-browed Warbler        tick
337        極北柳鶯        Arctic Warbler        tick
341        冕柳鶯        Eastern Crowned Warbler        tick (1 participant)
359        矛紋蝗鶯        Lanceolated Warbler        Aberdeen (Allen and Helen)
366        黃腹鷦鶯        Yellow-bellied Prinia        tick
368        長尾縫葉鶯        Common Tailorbird        tick
388        八哥        Crested Myna        tick
405        烏鶇        Common Blackbird        tick
420        鵲鴝        Oriental Magpie Robin        tick
423        北紅尾鴝        Daurian Redstart        tick
426        黑喉石(即鳥)        Siberian Stonechat        tick
429        藍磯鶇        Blue Rock Thrush        tick
433        灰紋鶲        Grey-streaked Flycatcher        tick
435        北灰鶲        Asian Brown Flycatcher        tick
441        鴝姬鶲        Mugimaki Flycatcher        tick
461        樹麻雀        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        tick
469        灰鶺鴒        Grey Wagtail        tick
496        栗鵐        Chestnut Bunting        tick
499        灰頭鵐        Black-faced Bunting        tick

HF Cheung


I should add a Asian Stubtail (Po Toi) and Eurasian Magpie (Aberdeen) on the trip list.  How come there is no photo of the Mugimaki Flycatcher of that day posted on the web?

HF Cheung

